this is what the history book taught us to be righteous is, and now the nationalists crucify anyone who dares to defy their far-right values and point out how they masquerade nationalism as patriotism (just like the german nazis), funny how the history always repeats itself and the majority of people grow to be on the wrong side of it
麦哥和华生是我的新cp! 结尾好虐 怒等第三季
“it's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all..." 嘛 这么多年过去了,男人只能一遍遍的提起第一次见面的场景,也是挺唏嘘。有种爱已不复只剩留恋的感觉。最后的出租车剪辑,对比下反倒是女人爱得更深。她太清楚他和他们的结局了。@楠姐,美国轻浮男人和欧洲女人的故事+1