it aint normal not to be curious n theres nothing to be embarrassed abt😊😊 you look and behave a lot different than last summer you know? what becomes greater in amount is your semen for me babe. my love is almost bound to expand for several reasons. bc you hasnt shown. (and to some sht —— stop stealing my ideas! you copycat!!
【CBS All Access】从影射年初SVU的Trump暗喻集的安排、Milo Yiannopoluos现象和另类右翼思想再到竞选和金融危机...还有对种族与公义系统持续犀利的关注。受限于广播网体制的时事表现和话题涉及,在转接到流媒体后被发挥得淋漓尽致。看完TGF至少能初略知道美国这两年发生了什么,这就是电视能relatable的绝佳示范。
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이걸 내가 왜 써야 하는지는 모르겠는데 쓰라니깐 쓴다요ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 일단 가볍게 즐길수 있는 시트콤이면서 정신없으면서 감동도 같이 있는... 마냥 가볍지만은 않